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Real African Black Soap Bar

Our Raw African Black Soap is imported & made in Ghana, West Africa using traditional african recipes and techniques from the ash of locally harvested African plants and dried peels, which gives the soap its historic characteristics. 


With natural antibacterial and exfoliating properties, African black soap acts gently to improve skin texture and tone. The soap also reduces inflammation and may help treat some signs of aging like dark spots or wrinkles. You can use African black soap on your face, hands, body — even your hair.


Using a small piece, lather soap in hand or washcloth and apply to face, body, or hair. 


Suggested Use: 2-3 times weekly. 

Real African Black Soap Bar

PriceFrom $5.50

Cocoa Pod Husk, Plantain Skin Ash, Palm Kernel Oil, Coconut Oil, Stearin Oil, Unrefined Shea Butter, Natural Vitamin E, Lye, Water.

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2025-26 Bodi Veganz
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